C&G New York

Monday, October 24, 2011

The Wedding Jeannie by C&G

Insights into how to plan each segment of your wedding; what works, what does not, ranging from picking a venue to day of gratuities. Be efficient have fun!

Listen to internet radio with WeddingPlanning on Blog Talk Radio

The Fall Videography Series Review Show

Join us as we wrap our Fall Videography Series with a summary of each interview over the past 5 weeks, Jeannie Uyanik’s impassioned plea on the new way in which to approach considering video and a few do’s and must’s to get you through the process.

Listen to internet radio with WeddingPlanning on Blog Talk Radio

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Fall Videography Series With Special Guest Adam Forgione

Join us as we continue our fall video series with world renowned filmmaker and educator Adam Forgione of Pennylane Productions. Adam is the recipient of numerous awards in filmmaking and has traveled the world educating other filmmakers and speaking about his craft. Adam has made it his goal to raise the industry standard on what wedding films should be. We look forward to hearing more about his perspective on the wedding industry and where he sees things going.

Listen to internet radio with WeddingPlanning on Blog Talk Radio

Monday, October 10, 2011

Fall Videography Series With Special Guest James Blankenfeld

The Fall Videography Series continues as C&G's Jeannie Uyanik interviews James Blankenfeld, who before starting his own wedding videography business shot familiar series such as the Apprentice, Project Runway, HGTV's Design Star and My Fair Wedding. A newcomer on the scene whose industry experience and transition to wedding video will be an interesting perspective yet to have been covered in our continuing Fall Videography Series.

Listen to internet radio with WeddingPlanning on Blog Talk Radio